Statement of Profit and Loss
for the year ended 31st March 2014
(₹ in Crores)
Note No. | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | |
INCOME | |||
Revenue from operations (Gross) | 270.82 | 664.33 | |
(Refer para no. 10 of note 23 ) | |||
Other Income | 18 | 101.55 | 185.49 |
Total Revenue (A) | 372.37 | 849.82 | |
Realty cost incurred (Refer para no. 22 of note 23 ) | 707.82 | 378.39 | |
Changes in finished goods inventory | 55.12 | (127.95) | |
Changes in realty work-in-progress | (649.35) | 102.35 | |
Cost of realty sales (B) | 113.59 | 352.79 | |
Employee benefit expenses | 19 | 54.57 | 64.01 |
Finance costs | 20 | 98.91 | 161.57 |
Depreciation | 5.91 | 5.90 | |
Other expenses | 21 | 49.29 | 48.73 |
Expenses (C) | 208.68 | 280.21 | |
Total expenses D = (B+ C) | 322.27 | 633.00 | |
Profit before tax (E) = (A - D) | 50.10 | 216.82 | |
Less : Tax expense | |||
Current tax | 10.33 | 43.15 | |
MAT credit entitlement | (10.33) | (23.30) | |
Tax Effect on Debenture issue expenses | 4.16 | - | |
Tax Effect on Merger | 21.05 | - | |
25.21 | 19.85 | ||
Deferred tax | (24.25) | 0.02 | |
Total tax expense (F) | 0.96 | 19.87 | |
Net profit after tax (E) - (F) | 49.14 | 196.95 | |
Earning per equity share - Face value of ₹ 2 (P.Y. ₹ 2) | |||
(Refer para no. 20 of note 23) | |||
Basic | 1.76 | 7.05 | |
Diluted | 1.76 | 7.05 | |
Significant accounting policies | 22 | ||
Notes forming part of accounts | 23 |
As per our attached report of even date
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Urvi A. Piramal
Rajeev A. Piramal
Vice Chairman &
Managing Director
Mahesh S. Gupta
Group Managing Director
Chetan Desai
D.M. Popat
Amitabha Ghosh
Dr. Ajay Dua
Sudhindar Khanna
Deepak Summanwar
Place: Mumbai
Date : 26th May 2014
Bharat Sanghavi
Chief Financial Officer
Rajashekhar Reddy
Company Secretary