( In Crores)
Note No. As at
31st March 2013
As at
31st March 2012
Shareholders' Funds
Share capital 1 55.90 55.90
Reserves & surplus 2 1680.33 1555.41
Total (A) 1736.23 1611.32
Non-Current Liabilities
Long term borrowings 3 711.23 611.32
Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 7.74 7.72
(Refer para no. 14 of Note 23)
Long-term provisions 4 2.49 4.10
Total (B) 721.46 623.14
Current Liabilities
Short term borrowings 5 6.67 35.53
Trade payables 6 123.14 63.88
Other current liabilities 7 389.76 598.68
Short-term provisions 8 49.94 35.74
Total (C) 569.51 733.83
Total (A)+(B)+(C) 3027.20 2968.29
Non-Current Assets
Fixed Assets 9
Tangible assets 53.42 56.42
Capital work in progress 0.22 0.22
Total (A) 53.64 56.64
Non-current investments 10 247.04 232.96
Advance to employees ESOP Trust 27.35 27.74
Long term loans and advances 11 1789.80 1590.74
Total (B) 2064.19 1851.44
Current Assets
Current investments 12 0.00 2.70
Inventories 13 302.92 277.34
Trade receivables 14 96.59 321.37
Cash and Bank balances 15 260.07 336.19
Short-term loans and advances 16 166.57 69.48
Other current assets 17 83.22 53.13
Total (C) 909.37 1060.21
Total (A)+(B)+(C) 3027.20 2968.29
Significant accounting policies 22
Notes forming part of accounts 23
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co. Urvi A. Piramal Rajeev A. Piramal Mahesh S. Gupta
Chartered Accountants Chairperson Vice Chairman &
Managing Director
Group Managing Director
Chetan Desai Bhavna Doshi C.M. Hattangdi Amitabha Ghosh
Partner Director Director Director
Place: Mumbai Sudhindar Khanna Bharat Sanghavi Rajshekhar Reddy
Date : 27th May 2013 Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Financial Statements
Independent Auditors’ Report
Balance Sheet
Statement of Profit and Loss
Notes to Financial Statements
Cash Flow Statement
Annexture to the Balance Sheet
Consolidated Independent Auditors’ Report
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
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